RSCM commissions new music for the 2024 Bath Course

Composer Liz Lane has written a new anthem for the young people attending the RSCM’s annual residential course for young people.

A Greater Love sets the prayer text of Rev. F. Andrew Willmot in an encircling structure, also featuring echoing solo voice(s), representing a never-ending – or greater love.

Liz writes: ‘When first looking for words, I approached my dad, who regularly plays the organ at two local churches in Berkshire. He had recently been given some prayers written by a friend’s father, compiled in the book ‘Sermons, Talks and Prayers written by Rev. F. Andrew Willmot in interesting times 1939-1976’. At the time, just after the war, paper was expensive and Rev. Willmot often wrote prayers with a fountain pen on the back of spare invoices left over from the closure of his father-in-law’s business (J.T.H. Trendell, Nurseryman and Florist) in the Great Depression of 1929-29’.

The music features an optional section which will be co-created with members of the course during a workshop session which Liz will be leading.

The premiere will be at the Gala Concert on Saturday 24th August Tomorrow’s Voices – A Celebration in Song | What’s On | Bath Box Office, and the anthem will be sung at Evensong in Bath Abbey on Sunday 25th August.