RSCM Courses in the UK:

Bath Course 2024

The Bath Course is a summer residency for young singers with a strong ethos of community, sharing and, of course, great music. Course musicmaking is rooted in liturgy and worship and aims to send attendees back to their home choirs as energising beacons for the future.

Hosted in Bath at Kingswood School, the course is open to a wide age and ability range. Attendees will leave the course enriched, inspired, and better developed in their own skills no matter the starting point.

The timetable for the week includes rehearsals and other musical activities designed to develop and inspire young choral singers. As well as taking part in a wide range of choral services at the school during the week and a concert on the Saturday evening, course attendees will also sing in the inspiring setting of Bath Abbey.

The course fee includes full board accommodation, and all tuition and resources for the week. Singers are accommodated in a mixture of multi-bed rooms and dormitories, and an experienced pastoral team look after the safety and well-being of course members. Whilst there is plenty of musical activity during the week, there is also lots of free time and opportunities to relax and socialise with other singers.

There are two organ scholarships available to apply for, paying a reduced fee. More details are available on the flyer.

Digital organ kindly supplied by Aspire Classical Organs.

The RSCM Bath Course 2024 is supported by:

Click here to hear what the young people who attended the 2023 course had to say…


Start Date: 19/08/2024
End Date: 25/08/2024
Event Director: Hugh Morris
Venue: Kingswood School, Bath
Postcode: BA1 5RG
Entry Fee: Various – Bursaries are available
Age Restriction: 8–21
Contact Name: RSCM Education
Contact Email:
contact us

‘I have thoroughly enjoyed my time on the course and I just wish I had found out about it sooner. I’d do it again if I could and I will be recommending it to young people in my area. It’s been an amazing week, thank you!’ – Singer

‘I absolutely love the sense of community on the Bath Course. The house I was in very much felt like a complete family by the end of the week and I loved seeing friends that I made and hadn’t seen since last year and making new ones.’ – Singer

‘Thank you to all the staff for such a wonderful course in Bath. It was my son’s first time and he absolutely loved it and is keen to return next year. He sang for the entire journey home!’ – Parent

Fee Type Cost per person* Availability
Early Bird Fee* £515 *sold out*
Full Fee £595 *available*
Additional Siblings £460 *available*

NB Early bird places are only available online and booking is secured on receipt of a 20% deposit or completion of a bursary form (below).

If you are a looking to make a large group booking (8 or more from the same church/choir, paid for at the same time), please email

Bursaries are available to help with the cost of course fees; the form is available below. If you have any queries, please email

Book a place!
Complete a Bursary Application Form
Bath Organ Scholarships
Booking Terms and Conditions